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Lv10. Facing Destiny

Kane saw Brian take the Village Chief's son, Joel, into a cave. He fears the boy's life is in danger, so he agrees to let you into the cave to stop Brian.
Enter the Hidden Cave and defeat Brian.

Completion Condition
Defeat Brian. 0/1
Defeat Brian's Bloodthirsty Panther. 0/1
Defeat Twisted Brian. 0/1
Report to: Village Chief York
Quest Reward
4774 EXP39 Silver


Accepting the Quest[]


"<Envoy>... you've got a monster on your back, eh? Are you bound by a curse, too?" Kane keeps one hand on his weapon as he sizes you up.


Kane's words pain you; you have to find Brian and ask him to clarify the situation. You hope Kane can tell you where Brian is.


"Brian took the Villager Chief's son, Joel. When we tried to save the boy, a black panther attacked us. They're hiding in the cave now."


You tell Kane that the creature with you might have something to do with Brian, hoping he'll allow you into the cave to find Brian. You have to find a way to rescue Joel!


"I don't know what to do. You two are both cursed by spirits, so perhaps you are bound together somehow... Hopefully, through Brian, you can save yourself."

In Progress[]



Completing the Quest[]


"Joel, are you okay? Are you hurt?" York examines the boy frantically, searching for wounds.


"Dad, Brian... he's not... he's transformed... I was so scared..."


"Don't be afraid, son. Hush. Daddy's here. It will all be alright." York glances at you with unease. Will it really be okay?