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Lv13. Secret Stone Merchant

Isaac gives you a Secret Stone in thanks for helping with Braeden. Inlaying the stone onto your equipment can strengthen its attributes. However, you must visit a Secret Stone Merchant first to get it evaluated before using it.
Talk to Secret Stone Merchant Soren in Helonia to learn more about Secret Stones.

Completion Condition
Defeat Sonny to get Unidentified Secret Stone 0/1
Report to: Secret Stone Merchant Soren
Quest Reward
8537 EXP53 Silver


Accepting the Quest[]


"Not too long ago, I managed to catch in my nets a mysterious object people have been calling a Secret Stone."
"I don't really know how this Secret Stone works, but I've been told that it can strengthen adventurers' equipment. Who was it that told me about this...?"
"Ah! It was Soren, the village's Secret Stone merchant. Of course. This stone will probably be more useful to you than me, so why not ask him more about it."
"I'd give it to you now, but a pirate found out that I had it and stole it from me." Isaac sighs as he gives you an apologetic look.
"Heh, look at me, blabbing on about this thing and I can't even give it to you."


You give Isaac a reassuring smile, asking him where you can find this particular pirate.


"He was last seen in a cave not far from here. There are rumors that he's always extracting poisons there... W-wait a minute, <Envoy>, don't tell me you're going to...!" Isaac widens his eyes at you in surprise.


Confidently, you tell Isaac not to worry, thanking him for his advice and for allowing you to keep the Secret Stone.


"Just be careful, alright? Those pirates can be dangerous."

In Progress[]


"Ah, you're talking about Secret Stones! In these parts, no one knows more about them than me. I can examine your Stone, but...where...?"
"Where did you say it was? What?! You managed to lose it?!"

Completing the Quest[]


You recall your tale about taking back the Secret Stone from the pirate as you pass it to Soren. You then ask what its purpose is.


"Well! Good thing you came to me; I know all about Secret Stones! There are many Secret Stone merchants like me all over the globe; we make it out business to know everything there is to know about these things." Soren chuckles.
"There is a sort of mystique to Secret Stone that's amazing; they can heighten the strengths of a person's body. If you're looking for a good way to surpass your own abilities, having secret stones on you is a great idea!"
"You can inlay one Secret Stone right onto a piece of equipment. Better yet, you can easily remove it without damaging the stone or your gear. It's nice not to have to worry about washing a stone or a piece of gear!"


You nod thoughtfully, realizing what Isaac and Alessa meant about how useful a Secret Stone can be to you.


"Collect any Secret Stone you see in your travels. Even if its attributes are not useful to you, it can be used to upgrade the attribute of a Secret Stone that IS useful to you."
"As for actually using the Stones, just find one of us Secret Stone merchants. We'll be more than happy to help you upgrade, inlay and extract them."
Soren returns the Secret Stone back to you with a friendly smile.