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Lv23. King of the Flowertraps

Jessie releases the Sprite so it can help you defeat the King of the Flowertraps.

Use the Sprite to defeat the King of the Flowertraps.

Completion Condition
Defeat Andras. 0/1
Report to: Lunarin Chief Omar
Quest Reward
26179 EXP102 Silver3 Tokens


Accepting the Quest[]

Tamed Sprite

The Sprite escapes as soon as Jessie opens the bag.


You fear it might take off, but when you stick out your hand, it moves over to you.


"Excellent! You've bonded with it; it isn't afraid of you at all!" Jessie can barely contain his enthusiasm.
"With the help of the Sprite, you can weaken the negative energy coming from the King of the Flowertraps. Ah, I almost forgot. We need to use the Glands to lure him out."
"The King of the Flowertraps hates the smell of Flower Beetle Glands, but the Sprites love it!" Jessie pulls out a match from his backpack. He lights the Gland ablaze and blows out the match.


You carefully take the Gland from Jessie and immediately smell a stench similar to old headcheese.

Tamed Sprite

The Tamed Sprite rocks back and forth happily. It seems to love the scent.


"The King of the Flowertraps hides deep inside the Flower Field. Even though you have the Sprite with you, you can't let your guard down. Use the Gland's smell to draw out the King of the Flowertraps, then slay the beast!"
"Hopefully, we can bring good news to the Village Chief."

In Progress[]


"You want to defeat the King of the Flowertraps? It is very powerful. You can't possibly handle him. Don't overexert yourself."

Completing the Quest[]


"Who asked an outsider to take on such a dangerous task? What would we do if the stranger got injured? Halton should have known better. And Anthony and Potter aren't thinking things through..." The Village Chief paces angrily.


You tap the Village Chief's shoulder. He turns, surprised to see you.


"You, you're still in the village? Well, fine. Stay here. Don't go running off. This is not a tourist attraction. There are dangers everywhere!" Omar grunts.


You explain to Omar that you've already defeated the King of the Flowertraps. As you speak, you point the Sprite towards the Flower Field.

Tamed Sprite

The Sprite seems sad to leave. It moves off toward the Flower Field, but looks back over its shoulder at you, a melancholy expression on its face.


"Well done, little Sprite." Omar watches the Sprite leave. He tries to remain stoic, but a contented grin flits across his weathered face.
"Uh, yes, well, I'm very grateful for your help, but I do wish you'd use a less harsh method." His words seem insincere, but he can't wipe the smile from his face.