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Lv55. Ozymand Temple

The expedition team prepared to head into Ozymand Temple, but Omar figured it would be best for you to go in first.

Enter Ozymand Temple (Solo) to check things out.

Completion Condition
Defeat Murfeo. 0/1
Reached Level 53.
Report to: First Expedition Leader Omar
Quest Reward
328608 EXP478 Silver


Accepting the Quest[]


"Listen up, team! <Envoy> has cleared the way into Ozymand Temple for us. So get yourselves ready, 'cause we're heading in without delay!"
"It's finally time for goals to be met and dreams to come true, and it's all thanks to you. We'd probably have become nameless casualties in the desert without you." Omar turns his gaze to the stalwart expedition team.
"Looks like they still need a bit longer before they're ready to set out. How about you go clear the path for us? We know someone's already been inside the temple, so be careful of traps that they avoided tripping."

In Progress[]


"We've spent forever in this desert, and today is the day it finally pays off. Today, we finally enter the fabled Ozymand Temple!"

Completing the Quest[]


"Curse you! Give me back my gem!" Omar chases after Caroline, his arms flailing in anger, but you stop his pursuit.
"Don't stop me, <Envoy>! I have to get that gem back. I can't afford to let it fall into the hands of someone else!"


You ask him if the Sand Gem is what the Alliance was seeking.


"No, no... If you bring that gem into the temple, it can seal the power that lingers in these halls."
"Some sources say that the ancient kingdom fell into ruin because of that gem. If that young woman releases the power within it, will she be able to control it?"