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Aura Kingdom Wiki


Adventurer's Road


Ravagers are known for their take-no-prisoners philosophy. They swing their gigantic axes in arcs so broad, and with impacts so powerful, that many of their strikes damage not only the target but surrounding foes as well.


Each swing of a Ravager's massive axe delivers a payload of pain, and often collateral damage to any unfortunate enough to be standing too close. With fury burning in their eyes, they will shrug off their own injuries and destroy anything that stands in their way.

Primary Skills

Icon Skill Name Type Property Description
Frenzy-skill Raging Slash Attack Physical 1
Sweep-skill Horizontal Slash Attack Physical 1
Downthrust-skill Soaring Slash Attack Physical 4
Shadowaxe-skill Mirrored Axe Attack Dark 8
Flamecut-skill Flame Slash Attack Fire 13
Whirlwind-skill Round and Round Attack Physical 18
Seismicwave-skill Aftershock Attack Physical 24
Strengthofearth-skill Strength of the Earth Buff Assist 30


WM Shuriken 2   Classes
Melee GuardianRavagerDuelistBrawlerRoninHoly SwordLancer
Magic BardWizardSorcererReaperStar Caller
Range GunslingerGrenadierRangerShinobiGuitar