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Lv40. Resonance of Gaia

Your Eidolon senses the voices of other Eidolons summoning it. The source of these voices seems to be coming from the Demarech Pool in the Demarech Mines. After what you experienced before, you decide to go and speak with the Eidolons again.

Completion Condition
Another Eidolon Meeting. 0/1
Report to: Blue Crystal
Quest Reward
79229 EXP193 Silver


Accepting the Quest[]


"I feel the other Eidolons calling out to me again. I need to find out where they are." <Eidolon> falls silent, focusing on the voices.


Ever since this started, you've been curious about, and a little afraid of, the other Eidolons. So, you wait quietly while <Eidolon> determines their location.


"I can't believe it, the other Eidolons have somehow increased their power. I can hear their voices very clearly now. I'm certain that they're making their way to the Demarech Mines to meet at the Demarech Pool. They are trying to summon you through me."
"I can't believe it, the other Eidolons have somehow increased their power. I can hear their voices very clearly now. I'm certain that they're making their way to the Demarech Mines to meet at the Demarech Pool. They are trying to summon you through me."
"Perhaps you should see the other Eidolons; who knows what will happen."

In Progress[]

Blue Crystal

The crystal in front of you glows faintly...

Completing the Quest[]


Of the five Eidolons before you, one slowly begins to move towards you. His powerful aura makes you feel like he could shatter the earth with a single step.
"<Envoy>... Envoy... Your power has grown much faster than I ever could have imagined. That is why we have called you here."


You bow before the Eidolon in front of you and ask what he intends. Why have you been called here?


"This is Bahadur of the Trampling Thunder. I never thought I would see you all here... Bahadur, Tigerius Caesar, Gigas, Quelkulan, and Uzuriel..." <Eidolon> stands by you, looking proud to be at your side.


"It's been a long while since we've seen you, <Eidolon>. Not that I'm surprised! You seem to have teamed up with quite an outstanding Envoy, haven't you? You must be having some excellent adventures."


Another of the five Eidolons takes this time to silently pad forward. His low, regal voice is like a thunderous growl.

Tigerius Caesar

"You are... <Envoy>...? Yes... Yes... Young, but brimming with potential, just as the rumors say."
"My name is Tigerius Caesar, the Feline Emperor. As with the other Eidolons you see here, I have sought you out for the same reason. We see a need to have you by our side."


The mighty Gigas takes one giant step forward and stares straight into your soul. "We have been watching you, <Envoy>. Everything you have done...all your accomplishments. If you ever need to call upon my strength, it will be yours, Envoy of Gaia!"


In awe, you somehow manage to ask the Eidolons why they seek you out. What use could the mighty Eidolons have of a single human?


"Allow me, Quelkulan, to answer your question..." Quelkulan flaps his mighty wings as he speaks.
"We have decided that only you have the strength to wield our immense power and not be lured to a path of evil."
"There are numerous mortals who wish to obtain our strengths, but we know they would only use it to fulfill their own selfish desires. This is never how we intend our powers to be used."


Uzuriel moves towards you. "There is, of course, one more reason. One... important reason. We sincerely hope that you will become a friend to us Eidolons and not simply use us for your own personal gains."
"Amongst all other Envoys of Gaia, we believe you are the one with the purest of hearts. A true, kind soul resides within you. It is our wish that you will let us become your companions so that we can seek a peaceful future for all of Azuria."


<Eidolon> smiles brightly. "<Envoy>, what are you waiting for? You should definitely team up with these awesome Eidolons! It may take a bit of getting used to, but I know that we will all become fast friends."